Welcome to Portalwiz Technologies Pvt Ltd

we specialize in providing tailor-made business solutions. Portalwiz Technologies is your one-stop solution for a wide range of business needs. We pride ourselves on specializing in various areas to provide holistic and innovative solutions that drive your business growth. With a dedicated team of experts and a track record of successful projects, we are here to help you succeed)

Training Solutions

Career Counseling

Personalized career guidance to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies for advancement.

Digital Marketing

Teaching strategies and tactics to leverage digital platforms, enabling businesses to effectively reach and engage their target audiences for increased brand awareness and customer acquisition.

Web Development

Providing comprehensive courses to learn web development skills, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling individuals to create and maintain functional and visually appealing websites.

Project Management

Equipping individuals with essential project management methodologies, tools, and techniques to effectively plan, execute, and deliver projects on time, within budget, and with desired outcomes.

Career Counseling

Personalized career guidance to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies for advancement.

Digital Marketing

Teaching strategies and tactics to leverage digital platforms, enabling businesses to effectively reach and engage their target audiences for increased brand awareness and customer acquisition.

Web Development

Providing comprehensive courses to learn web development skills, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling individuals to create and maintain functional and visually appealing websites.

Project Management

Equipping individuals with essential project management methodologies, tools, and techniques to effectively plan, execute, and deliver projects on time, within budget, and with desired outcomes.

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