Welcome to our platform, where your dream job isn’t just a possibility but a priority. We’re more than a job board; we’re your career compass, dedicated to linking you with opportunities that match your aspirations and skills. Our simple mission is to empower job seekers like you by creating connections beyond the ordinary.

Portalwiz Talent Solutions For Job Seekers

We offer a completely no-cost, no-obligation job placement service to candidates registered in our service or anyone applying to the job openings advertised by us. Top companies utilize our recruitment services for their hiring needs.


  • No cost at any time for the candidate
  • Pre-screening for suitable job openings across the country
  • Complimentary Mock interview and feedback for improvement for shortlisted candidates
  • Complimentary resume review and feedback for improvement for shortlisted candidates
  • Your profile is matched with suitable opportunities across different employers
  • You always have the choice to decide which openings to apply to or which offer to select
  • A dedicated Recruitment Advisor to address any queries


Free Job Placement Assistance

We connect you with a wide range of job opportunities that match your skills, experience, and preferences. Our goal is to find the perfect fit for you in your desired industry.

Free Career Guideline Webinars

Join our free webinars, conducted by industry experts, to stay updated on industry trends, job search strategies, and professional development. 

Free Job Alerts

Candidates can follow our social media profiles to get free job alerts for new opportunities.

Additional Benefits

For Shortlisted Candidates

Once you are shortlisted for a suitable opportunity, our career advisors provide you additional complimentary guidance on resume improvement as well as interview preparation. 

Complimentary Resume Feedback and Guidance

Once you are screened and shortlisted for available openings, our career advisors provide complimentary personalized feedback to help you improve your resume. Additionally, we offer guidance on how to tailor your resume for specific roles and industries.

Complimentary Guidance to Create Job Profile

We guide you in crafting a compelling Job Profile, highlighting your achievements, skills, and qualifications to showcase your potential to prospective employers.

Complimentary Mock Interview Sessions

Prepare for interviews with confidence through our free mock interview sessions. Our experienced interviewers provide valuable feedback and tip to help you ace your interviews.


The selection process will be conducted as follows.

Step 1: Enrollment

  • Candidates enrol with Portalwiz Talent Solutions by submitting the Online questionnaire/job application form. 

Step 2: Screening

  • The recruitment advisor screens suitable candidates based on available openings and conducts a Screening Interview.
  • Candidates are also asked to complete a self-assessment questionnaire.

Step 3: Placement Process

  • Once the candidates are shortlisted for suitable job opportunities, the recruitment advisor conducts a complimentary mock interview as well as provides feedback on the resume.
  • After this step, the recruitment advisor schedules various interviews with the employers to take the process forward.


  • The candidate must enrol in the program by completing the application form link.
  • Once accepted, candidates must follow the interview appointments. If they are unable to make the interview as agreed, they must call the Recruitment Advisor to cancel the appointment.
  • Candidates who do not show up for the interview after accepting the invite or do not cancel/reschedule in advance will be removed from the program and ineligible for further processing or different opportunities.
  • If, at any point, the candidate is not interested in a particular job application, they must proactively inform the Recruitment Advisor and withdraw that particular job application so that the employer can be notified to continue searching for different candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your platform empower job seekers?

We empower job seekers by providing them with opportunities that go beyond the ordinary job search, linking them with roles that truly match their aspirations and skills.

Do I have to pay to use your platform?

No, our platform is completely free for job seekers. There are no costs or hidden fees associated with using our services.

How does the pre-screening process work for job openings across the country?

Our team conducts pre-screening to match candidates with suitable job openings nationwide based on their skills and preferences.

What does the complimentary mock interview entail?

Shortlisted candidates receive a complimentary mock interview session along with feedback for improvement to help them prepare for actual job interviews.

Do I have the freedom to choose which job openings to apply to or which offer to accept?

Yes, you always have the autonomy to decide which job openings to apply to and which offer to accept.

Can I update my profile after registration?

Yes, you can update your profile at any time to reflect changes in your skills, experience, or preferences.

Is there a limit to the number of job openings I can apply to?

No, there is no limit to the number of job openings you can apply to. You are free to apply to as many relevant opportunities as you wish.

Do you offer any premium services for job seekers?

Yes, we do offer premium services for job seekers looking for career development coaching. These services are designed to provide personalized assistance and support to individuals seeking to advance their careers or enhance their professional skills.

Are there any specific qualifications or requirements to register for your service?

No, our job placement service is open to candidates from diverse backgrounds and skill levels. We welcome anyone looking for employment opportunities to register with us.

What types of job openings do you offer?

We offer a wide range of job openings across various industries and sectors, including entry-level, mid-level, and executive positions.

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